Smart Mobility Institute

Smart Mobility Institute

Educational Sessions for buyers only | 22 November 2023 | 10:30 - 15:30 | Lisbon Congress Center

The Smart Mobility Institute (SMI) is an educational platform for corporate decision makers who want to transition from Fleet to Mobility, and to discover the benefits of corporate sustainable mobility for their workforce and organisation.

This year’s SMI session will focus on corporate mobility, in four perspectives:

  • Mobility Maturity Map – which countries in Europe are ready for alternative mobility?
  • Form factor – what are the new vehicles that will deliver mobility to corporates?
  • Sustainability – beyond employee benefits, how to use mobility for ‘green’ your fleet?
  • Data flow – how to leverage corporate mobility based on data intelligence?

The 4 Burning Topics in the Mobility Ecosystem

Importance for the Fleet & Mobility Manager: What will you learn from this session?

The current status of mobility presents certain challenges in finding its rightful place. In reality, only a few company cars have been replaced by mobility budgets, indicating a slow transition. Moreover, the mobility ecosystem has been severely affected by the pandemic and continues to face difficulties in obtaining technology investments.

However, at the regulatory level, there is a growing interest in mobility. Some governments have established tax incentives to encourage alternative mobility, and major cities in Europe are actively implementing restrictions on car access, creating more opportunities for mobility solutions.

The purpose of this SMI session is to initiate a « reset » in the conversation surrounding mobility. Previously viewed primarily as a flexible employee benefit, mobility is now being repositioned as a sustainable solution that aligns with regulatory goals.

A 360 degree assessment of Mobility
• European readiness for mobility : which countries are ready to further develop corporate mobility solutions

• How to use the Mobility Maturity Map as a reference research document on mobility in Europe

• New Form Factors, such as micro mobility & microcars : the importance of the « new types of vehicle » and their place in the mobility ecosystem

• HR trends versus sustainability trends : is mobility shifting its anker point to sustainability ?

• Data analytics are become more than ever available as every supplier provides data-based insights. Are we using these data points in favor of mobility ?


10h30 – 10h40: Welcome and Introduction

  • By Yves Helven, Fleet Europe & Smart Mobility Institute

10h40 – 11h10: Mobility Maturity Map 

Based on the MMM e-Book, a few countries are highlighted and, across Europe, strategic recommendations are formulated

  • Masterclass 35 min + Q&A 15 min
  • Presentation Deloitte, supported by Saskia Harreman, authors of the Mobility Maturity Map

11h10 – 11h50: Form Factor 

New vehicle models, from 2 to 4 wheels, are being introduced. What are the new form factors & will these form factors be more suitable for mobility? In short: how is the mobility offering evolving?

  • UBER

11h50 – 12h30: Data and Realism: are we using our data sources to implement mobility and… are we still into mobility?

As the number of data sources surges, fleet managers should have sufficient information to know where/what type of mobility is suitable for their employees. But: what are we really doing with our data? What analyses are we preparing and do we still want mobility?

  • Enterprise

12h30 – 14h00: Networking Lunch

Enjoy the networking lunch with peers and participants from both IFMI and the Smart Mobility Institute.

14h00 – 14h40: How to demonstrate the relevance of mobility to stakeholders and employees?

Mobility is often perceived by corporates as operationally difficult, and by employees as “less of a benefit” compared to a company car. How can a fleet manager demonstrate the relevance of mobility, and bring the proposal back to the table?

  • SIXT

14h40 – 15h20: Mobility as a new employee benefit or mobility as a contributor to a sustainable fleet?

Until recently, mobility was mainly positioned as a true example of flexible employee benefits. This does not seem to be the case anymore as 1/mobility is taking over as a tool to improve a company’s sustainability performance and 2/the company car remains an important recruitment-retention tool in a war for talent. True or False?

  • Fleet Logistics

15h20 – 15h30: Wrap-up & Key Take-Aways

Closing of the session


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